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Gary Gibson, Treasurer


Gary Gibson in his own words:  “My interest in silent film started when I was about 4 years old and I saw a program on National Educational Television (before there was PBS) called What’s New. This was the mid-sixties during the race to the moon and they played the iconic 1902 Georges Melies film “A Trip To The Moon”….I was hooked. The local channels in LA were broadcasting Laurel & Hardy and Chaplin silents as well so it was a really great time to grow up exposed to the giants of silent cinema.  When I was in high-school I was able to see some silent programs put on in the LA area and they had live accompaniment.  WOW!!!!  Live music played to silent movies…what could be better?  Now in my mid-fifties it is my great pleasure to be working with an organization dedicated to performing and recording the original scores for the films of the silent era”.






